Cadillac XTS…Car design Part2

2013-Cadillac-XTS-beforeAmerican Big 3 has been doing downsize for last 3 decades, but particularly to GM, I just don’t think they are still having problem with it.

I talked about Cadillac XTS the other day.

For try, I extended Front & Rear end of Cadillac XTS.


This is how I did by Adobe Photoshop….actually, it is not bad at all……

This means XTS needed longer front and rear ends to be better design.

But, I still can’t stand the popped up rear end and limited head clearance at the rear seats.

So, this is what I did….this is based on my previous work plus extended front and rear ends.


Actually, this is quite impressive….but even original XTS is 5.1m long and those modified one is well over 5.5m….this is about same as ancient Full-size vehicles…..

At least they should have done this kind of model 10 years ago when gas was cheaper.

Old day, Americans did not care about body size at all. They just extended size to make better design. That is how they are still not good at designing within limited size.

This is also the good example of it.

Or….designers make this kind of model….but they have to fit it to smaller size….this will completely destroy the design. In this case, I would have to say design process itself is wrong.  Designers and engineers need to work more closely to…

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