Pontiac Firebird & Chevrolet Camaro…Successful budge engineering

Pontiac Firebird
Pontiac Firebird

When we say “Budge engineering” usually, it does not mean very good.
Simply it means replace name plate and sell as different model. Especially 80s GM was known for it and was criticized a lot.

But there are some successful examples too.
Chevrolet Camaro & Pontiac Firebird are one of the successful one.
If you see them, right away you will know they are sharing the platform. But I have never hard people criticizing about it.

Why was it?
Chevrolet Camaro
This is Chevrolet Camaro.

First of all, both are quite good-looking. Pontiac is a bit more luxurious or more aggressive front end and Chevrolet is more simple or basic looking.

Second, the price difference was not very big.

This say, as long as cars are attractive and reasonably priced, nobody complains about “budge engineering”.

If the cars are not attractive and badly over-priced, people will criticize about it.

Cadillac CimaronCadillac Cimaron….this over-decorated Chevrolet Cavaliar was supposed to compete with BMW 5 series….but of course, nobody liked it.

For example, Cadillac Cimaron was well-known disaster which was only well-equipped Chevrolet Cavariar and priced double..

At least, Camaro/ Firebird relationship lasted until 2002 models when they were withdrawn from market. That was simply because they were attractive.

Now, only Camaro is back in the market and no more Firebird because of  closure of Pontiac division.

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